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Posts tagged ‘Wii Fit plus’

Jan 6th: Wii wii wii

Finally my Wii Fit was all set. It was so much fun working out with it.  What an innovative invention. I love to play video games but playing Wii fit Plus was simply an amazing experience. Isn’t it amazing that without leaving the comfort of your own home you can do running,  cycling,  rhythm parade,  yoga and what not.  Wii is a must especially for those who easily gets tired of same old workout routines.

Thanks to Wii now I know that my center of balance is slightly towards right. Now I know why I trip and fell time and again :)). My poor Mii actually feel down from a high storey building while attempting a rope walk. I suck at balance games. lols

Out of all the exercises and games i played today my favorites were:

  • Hula hoops
  • Yoga
  • Boxing.

Boxing was a great workout to strengthen the body. Initially you play it according to the rhythm and the steps asked but towards the end there are 10 – 20 free seconds to hit the sand bag as per your wishes.  It was simply hilarious beating the sh** out of the bag .. lols

Wonderful Yoga experience. Best part was when it tells you how to keep your correct posture and when to inhale and exhale. I did yoga for the very first time in my life and I have to admit that i simply loved it. I guess now I know what the fuss is all about. I felt great when time and again it told me that i am flexible , I am sure everyone will love to hear it right:)

Now comes the Hula hoops. MAN OH MAN what  a great workout.  Making clean neat circles in the air  and catching the flying hoops were simply amazing. If its your first time with hoops then be prepared for some very good workout session, it actually increases your heart beats at a very rapid pace.

For the first time, users can mix and match which strength and yoga activities they prefer on a given day. The seamless exercise flows make it easier than ever for users to maintain their daily workout routines.

I loved the “Make your own routine” . You can set your daily routines and  mix and match exercises from strength training, yoga aerobics etc. Graphs and visuals keeps you on your toes and motivates you to work out harder and harder to improve points. Wii provides you with an option to save your BMI , Weight, Waist measurements, daily step count etc. Once you are done with your session it will tell you how many calories you burnt which are equal to a food portion. For eg:  almost 350 cal burned means :  Calories in 6-8 fried shrimps.

Makes it all the more difficult to eat anything.  :). In case your body weight increases or decreases your Mii Avatar changes accordingly.

Today’s session was for 2 hours / 500 cal and now i am looking forward to tomorrow’s session.


oh and the word of the day is : Gloze :  to mask the true nature