My random MUSINGS, tonnes of SMILES, brilliant THOUGHTS, vibrant COLORS and lots of STYLE.

Posts tagged ‘Random’

1 Week in India.

Hey Friends,

How are you? It’s awesome to see how regularly everyone is posting on their blog. I am sure you all must be having a lot of fun.

Do you wanna know what I am doing in India?

My journey started on 15th of March with an early morning flight to Chicago and then after spending some 4 hours big 777 came in picture. This was my second international flight with American Airlines. My first trip with AA was to India only last year and I loved the flight and the service. Being a tall girl I always prefer an aisle seat and i have to admit that the leg room is super awesome in their economy section. Thanks for that AA (I might write a whole post on this, later on).

So after being in plane and on air port and spending some near to 24 hours in journey, i landed in India on the night of 16th at Delhi’s new International Terminal. One word for it : WOW! Loved it. It was a great feeling to see my family there at the airport. As soon as I saw them my exhaustion flew away. I stayed at my Masi’s (Aunt) place for night of 16th. I slept for almost 6-7 hours during the flight so I wasnt sleepy and plus the jet lag. The very night my brother also came from his medical school. He, I and my 2 cousins we had a card party and dint sleep till the wee hours of morning.Before card party we also went on a long drive which helped me in getting accustomed to Delhi’s traffic / driving ONCE AGAIN. 😀

After catching 4-5 hours sleep that night,  we went out for shopping, came back in evening and then drove back to my parents home, which is a couple of hours from Delhi. It was super awesome to meet Dad. He was busy with his patients thats why he dint come to see me at the airport.  After a very long time we were all together, mom, dad, bro and I. Thats when i realized how badly I missed my childhood days.

Whole of 18th was spent at home, meeting mom and dad’s friends,  playing games with my brother,  chatting with them, without phone/internet, a food offer coming my way after every other hour (guess parents are like that) and at mom’s Salon & Spa :D. Giggles. 19th was spent in traveling with 12 hours of drive in one day with 4 hours of stay. On 20th there was an Indian festival of colorful “Holi” (everyone plays with lots of colors,  you should check out the link provided for more detailed info). I so badly wanted to play but my dad being a doctor forced me not to, thinking I might get hurt in someway. Ah, parents :). Again the day was spent meeting and greeting people with a dinner  in night. Anyway, I slept at 11 and a spam sms woke me up around 2am. My brother was awake at that time and we started chatting. Dint even realize when clock struck 5 and by 5:30 am I had to leave for Delhi with mom. She & Masi were hosting a party at a 5 star hotel at the lunch time.

2 hours of drive with mom was fun as well. Reached Masi’s place and after grabbing breakfast we were out of our home. They left for their party and I went for a hair spa at “Looks” . OMG! How relaxing it was I can’t even tell you. Almost 2 hours long and AWESOME! I came back home for lunch with mom & masi and after relaxing for an hour we were out again and this time my cousin accompanied us as well. Went to a designer’s place to check her collection and i placed an order for a gorgeous red Sari. Yiiipiiieeee 🙂 By the time we came back home it was almost dinner time and I was super sleepy and sloshed. (remember I had only slept for some 3 hours in last 48 hrs. BTW, now I know if you wanna get the feeling that you are super drunk and you don’t wanna drink actually, it is easy ,just don’t sleep for couple of days straight and voila) 😀 .

After sleeping straight for some 10 hours, 22nd of morning was spent meeting another designer. And I am proud say that soon I will be an owner of 4 more Indian Traditional and designer dresses  😀 Hihi. Came back around 3 in noon.  Ate my lunch hungrily 🙂 and then thought to stay home and chat with my Masi :). Played games with my cousin bro and sis at night and slept.  Yesterday, that is   23rd, I was home almost all day and then in the evening went out to meet my college best friend. We were meeting after 5 years and never for a second felt that, 2-3 hours just flew by. After that came home for dinner and then everybody went to Cafe Coffee day. Came back and played “Bluff” in cards till 2-3 in night.  OMG! it was super hilarious.

Today we gonna go to an exhibition grab our lunch at 5 star again and needless to mention shopping. :)) BTW 26th -29th I will be in Goa with family. That should be a fun trip as well. But about that later on and oh i still need to call soooooo many friends. 🙂

Hugs lovely blogging friends 🙂

Life as we know it

Well I don’t have a good beginning in mind therefore I am just going to pour my heart out. I was wondering how time flies. We all see bad and good phases in our life.  No one can escape that route. Those who are super rich and has lots of money, face bad phases just like some one who is very poor and other way around. But who defines a bad or good phase? It varies from person to person, something that looks good to one may look horrible to other.  Then how do you judge whats good and whats bad? (Honestly, I have no idea if you can make sense out of all the words I am writing but I need to jot it down before I lose it).

I was thinking what if we all only see good times in our lives… how will our life look then? Just imagine our existence: with ample of money,  no worries,  no job problems,  no crimes,  no diseases, never to lose any of your loved ones, always with a smile and oblivious to words such as depression, poor, sad,  etc, will the picture be as beautiful? Makes no sense right? I know,  but I was trying to visualize something like this and trust me as much as the picture looked beautiful it still felt incomplete.

We all learn from our mistakes and that helps us to grow,  to tackle problems head on and explore unknown. Some learn from their own mistakes and some learn from mistakes that others commit,  but we all are continuously learning this way or that way. Thats what defines us,  it helps in creating our own unique character and separates us from other human being right? Adversities bring people either closer or drifts them apart but we are always breaking and making new connections.  Life has it’s own set patterns for everyone. We all do what we are supposed to do.  Now you may be thinking that “she has lost it” :D. Well I might have who knows 🙂 . But at times random thoughts are the best thoughts.

In the end I will say,  “Even the prettiest picture that I envisioned was not that pretty. Life without any problems dint look that appealing”

Thoroughly confused:  A-)

A Random Act of Kindness!

This incident happened almost 6 years ago but it is still very much fresh in my memory bank.  It might not be a big thing but for me it is one of those unforgettable moments.

It happened when we were coming back from our France trip. We were waiting for a connecting flight. I was staring outside the glass doors of waiting lounge. People were running/walking towards their destinations.

I was deep in my thoughts when I saw a guy. I wasn’t staring but unknowingly I was following his each and every move.

I guess he saw me looking at him and I am sure he would have thought that I was staring (which I was but unconsciously), so he waved at me. I don’t remember what I was thinking. I was so much engrossed in the thought process that even though I was looking at him but I dint notice his wave.

Now you must be wondering how do I know he was waving if I dint notice? Thats because even though I dint notice but subconsciously my mind acknowledged that. Anyway, he waved again and this time I saw he was smiling. He was standing on one of those walking escalators at airports. As soon as I came back to my senses I automatically waved back (hesitantly).

He was about to pass me any moment now and just before that, he did these …..

  • His first gesture was asking me to smile (with his thumb and middle finger at both sides of his lips)….
  • His second gesture was he kissed his first 2 fingers …
  • His third gesture was after kissing his fingers he waved a Peace sign at me..
  • Now I was not only waving back but I was smiling too. 🙂

Whole thing took some 30-45 seconds but the incident got etched on my mind and heart (in detail). That is why I remember all the necessary details . I don’t remember how he looked like, how tall he was and what/how many bags he was carrying . But the couple of things that I remember  very clearly are his smile and his gestures  as they did leave an imprint.

Since that moment till date I have never met/seen anyone doing the same thing. But one thing that I learned was how to make some one smile once in a while.  Whenever I see anyone with a very serious expression on his/her face, I use my hand to make them smile, just like the way that guy did. (if the moment and circumstances allow)

Mostly people smile back but once in a blue moon they don’t but I feel good that at least I tried.

I am thankful to that  RANDOM STRANGER who showed me how to do A RANDOM ACT OF KINDNESS.


I have a stable!! :P

This happened 3-4 years ago. But whenever I recall that incident I cant stop laughing hysterically. (Actually I am still laughing) 😀

I went for grocery shopping one summer evening. Whenever summer arrives I prefer to make fresh juices at home rather than buying the ready-made sucrose syrups. Moreover nothing is better than the flavor of fresh oranges squeezed with beetroot , lemon, parsley and what not.

Ok, so I bought 2 big bags of Carrots, almost dozen navel oranges and other stuff to make juice. My turn came and there was this very cute guy standing at the counter and ringing the cash register.

I was lost in my thoughts and I was waiting for him to tell me the total so that I can get out of there (grocery shopping is the worst form of shopping lol)

Out of no where he asked: “Miss do you own horses?”

My thought process snapped and I said: “Umm, Horses? (For a second, my mind actually wondered if I have horses.. silly thought), Well not that I know of” . I ended up laughing and asked “Why did you ask, what made you come to that conclusion?”

With almost an insane cuteness he said: “Cause I  have never seen anyone buying so many carrots and oranges together”

There were some 5 people in the queue and they all started laughing hysterically. I said : “No I don’t have a horse but thanks anyway”

Even today whenever I make fresh juice I can’t stop laughing.



All those quotes about life are so corny. Earlier they were limited to some random email forwards but lately I get to see them everywhere, be it Facebook status updates or tweets. Alright I will lie if I will say that I never retweeted them or forwarded them.

But till date I am never comfortable in writing big things about life and the way it shapes up every day. The reason behind this could be that I was never a planner. I take life as it comes though I have to admit that it gets really tough when tomorrow strikes hard. Now that is because I am not prepared I at times end up losing something in the process. I know I regret the loss but then I move on.

For me tomorrow is a myth and yesterday was history. Today is what I live in. My friends at times don’t share the same sentiment which is totally agreeable but when I see them appreciating the fact that I am so spontaneous, I can easily catch that little hint of jealousy. I try to make my today a fun place to be in.  Majority of times it works but sometimes it never works no matter how I hard I try and that’s when life transitions into a zip lining rope and I feel like hanging right in the middle, can’t go back and can’t move ahead. Ah!! Who cares? I try and move on.

I don’t think I will ever be able to change my way of thinking. If it didn’t happen till then I don’t see it happening any time soon or not in this lifetime. I guess I am made like this and I don’t regret it.

Whatever I have written in above lines is only applicable in my personal life as when it comes to my professional zone I am a big planner. You will end up seeing a neatly written plan for the project highlighting the tiniest detail possible.

That’s that. See you tomorrow or not 🙂

Jan 16th: Popcorn Prank.. etc

This post is dedicated to all the popcorn lovers out there.

As mentioned in my last post,  I simply love popcorn and I can’t share it with any one. If you are going to movies with me then please buy your own popcorn :). I like to relish it throughout the movie, therefore I eat mine slowly. If some one digs in my baggy, my blood pressure rises very quickly. I have no idea why it happens but just can’t tolerate it though if I am out with friends I will always remember my manners so I will share. 🙂

Oh this reminds me of couple of incidents….

I have a friend, once we went to watch a movie. When I asked her if she wants anything, before the movie starts, she said “No no I am good I don’t want anything to eat, you go ahead and get whatever you want”. She bought cold drink and I bought small popcorn and small drink. Out of courtesy I offered her mine and to my surprise she didn’t refuse. In fact throughout the movie she hogged on my popcorn. I was sitting with a smile on my face ,though deep inside my heart I was cursing her and I wanted to punch her so badly.  Same thing happened second time and third time I bluntly asked her to get her own popcorn. 🙂 Enough was enough. hehe.

Another incident that I can never forget.

We were some 6-7 girls and went to watch a movie. It happened years ago. Gosh, I don’t even remember which movie it was but I do remember the movie was very boring. For the first half we all kept on chatting and giggling. There was this group of 5-6 boys, sitting in the row ahead of us,  they kept on shushing us. With their every shush, we were getting more pissed. You know how it is when you are young, in university and want whole world to revolve around you, well . our egos were badly hurt. I got an idea and it turned out to be awesome. All of us had popcorn, we licked one popcorn at a time and then threw it lightly on the guys’ head. Popcorn got stuck in their hairs and we kept on showering their heads with popcorn. They kept on shushing us and we kept on giggling. Poor fellows just had no clue about our mischievous act. When the movie ended, we all went out side and one guy from their group started laughing at others and then suddenly all of them were laughing at each other . After couple of minutes they realized what had happened and immediately they shook their heads vigorously. Now we all were laughing.

We were standing right there, checking out their expressions,  when one guy  from that group turned towards us and gave us the cutest smile ever with a thumbs up.

Best movie experience EVER!

( I still remember his smile 🙂 )


Jan 14th: Pick one..

Today I was wondering if at any point in my life I have to pick one out of two options then which one will I choose.

Option 1:  Choosing something that makes others happy and I may or may not be or

Option 2:  Choosing something that makes me happy and others may or may not be.

I guess we all get to face something like this once (if not more) in our life time.  If I know myself then I will always pick option 1, not because I have to but because I can never stay happy if others around me are not.  Now it may sound little self- aggrandizing but that is the truth.

Whatever I have heard from my friends and family and whatever I know about myself the truth is giving something to someone comes naturally to me,  but frankly telling you I just can not share my movie popcorn :-). Sorry no giving in that, if you will make faces while sitting next to me I will knowingly ignore you. 🙂

But when it comes to bigger matters then I automatically pick option 1,  in fact that’s what I have always done and that will remain my default choice forever. I may regret my choice once a while but seeing others satisfied I will console myself and move on. Now I am not suggesting anyone anything and its not that, that I love to suffer or something but this option is an automatic choice for me.

You may pick option 2 and I totally get that,  after all we all live for once and staying happy through out our existence is our foremost priority. That’s the only reason we want to earn more money,  be successful professionally and personally,  loves to do charity, have hobbies etc.

Anyways, I was wondering about it and that is why I ended up writing about it. So whatever option you pick, pick one that will  make you happy  at the end of the day.

I find happiness when I see others smiling because of me  🙂 !

Jan 11th: My quirkiness

I have always loved writing. I never bothered if it made any sense or not but simply loved pouring my thoughts down on a piece of paper. Well these days its not a piece of paper but a blog.

According to my this year’s resolution I will write a blog everyday but my other resolution is that by the end of the day I need to jot down everything down in my journal as well.  Every time  I start writing journal I feel like as if I have again found the long lost love of my life

Nothing can replace writing with a pen on a piece of paper. Typing on laptop lacks the feeling of touch and artistry. When I am typing I am only thinking about recording whatever is in my thoughts at that particular moment. It definitely lacks that feeling and emotion which I get when I actually hold a pen in my fingers & write something down.

Before I start writing, the first thing that I need is a decent pen with black ink.  Throughout my student life,  since the day we as kids got permission from our school teachers to use pen to write in the notebook, my favorite was black ink. I have always felt that black ink has an elegance and gracefulness. Someday soon I will buy a Mont Blanc pen, nothing beats Mont Blanc’s writing instruments. They are the best. 🙂

Besides black ink I need a gorgeous journal which has thick pages. If a page is thin, ink will bleed out and I can’t tolerate that.  I just cant write in between lines therefore another journal necessity is it shouldn’t be lined and there should be no margins.

Once I have both:  a plain paper and a black ink,  I automatically end up writing something down. While I am writing the main thing going on in my mind is to keep the flow of writing and handwriting.  After writing some 10 pages I always go back and flip through them to see how they look. If they were neat enough,  if there was a consistency and if they look beautiful. That’s that.

Strange quirkiness right 🙂 ?

Plain white paper and black ink is all I need.

Jan 5th Second blog of the year!

I am glad that I was able to go with my resolutions for the second day as well. It is better to take one day at a time.

Yesterday having 7 glasses of water was kind of torture. lols  🙂 Though I feel it was a good start but requires improvements.

Today was fine. I only had 4 glasses of water, keeping my fingers crossed that before hitting bed tonight I will be able to had atleast 3 more.  Oh the best part was when I played couple of memory games I got to know that memory is better than an average person. Haha now I don’t know how much of this is true, but I feel superb.

Finally got a chance to set up my Wii. Oh and what an amazing experience it was. I am not a video game buff but I simply love to play video games.  My Xbox was fun but I am sure i will be addicted to Wii. Ah cant wait for tomorrow when I will start with Wii Fit. Had so much fun experimenting with Mii Avatars. They were hilarious. Most hilarious part was when I actually tripped off the Wii fit’s board while I was doing a balancing act ..  lols

I still have to write details in my journal. 🙂 Aha no escaping .

I am so glad that I have some resolutions this year, probably they will make up for 2008 as well.  Oh and I did learn a new word today : Myrmidons” : which means “A Royal Follower”

Happy I was , when I was playing Super Mario but optimistic… hmmm ????

That is it for today.

When I am not updating my blog…

When I am not updating my blog..  things that I might be doing ..

  • Checking out million $$$$$ houses online (as if I can afford 1 if not 2)
  • Sitting at a beach and painting a Masterpiece
  • Out with girls and shopping till I spend each and every penny
  • If not out to malls ,  then online checking out all the designer stuff and planning to buy what and when
  • Sky diving and paragliding
  • Trying to keep myself busy with all sorts of social media and online marketing knowledge.
  • Posting and sharing stuff at Facebook and bugging my good friends
  • And sometimes trying to hide some stuff from my family on Facebook ( all thanks to custom settings.. hihihihi )
  • Out on a vacation to some gorgeous and scenic country … ” – – ” (dreamy eyes)
  • Working out atleast 5 hours a day …. (yea right … right???? )
  • Learning how to swim (in my dreams)
  • Planning my birthday for this and next year
  • Thinking, feeling and meditating (no point )…  Hopeless!!
  • Writing ,  and writing  and writing … whatever crap that I can think of
  • Trying to stay connected to the real world and update my brain cells with latest news and affairs via CNN (as if I am all for it .. hahh )
  • Pulling my hairs and wondering how some people have crazy amount of followers on Twitter.
  • On a continuous and repetitive journey to Central Perk with my very old friends : Joey,  Rachel , Chandler, Phoebe, Monica and Ross…
  • Out partying at 10 in morning till  3 in night ( I need 6 hours of my beauty sleep .and another hour to prepare and dress up for next party . lols)

Whats true and whats not …  I am not going to reveal that  … “wink wink”

